教授 & Csics执行董事
建模、分析 & 模拟中心


萨福克郡 , 23435年

萨钦谢蒂 is an Executive Director of Center for Secure and Intelligent Critical System and 教授 with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at bet8体育娱乐入口. His research interests lie at the intersection of computer networking, network security and machine learning. 在过去的15年里, Sachin completed many large-scale projects with multiple collaborators and institutions and served as the PI/Co-PI on various grants and contracts, funded by various military and federal government departments and private businesses. He has published over 300 research articles in journals and conference proceedings and edited 4 books. Two research papers were chosen as the Top 50 academic papers in Blockchain in 2018. He has received the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative Fellow, DHS Scientific 领导 Award, Fulbright Specialist and inducted into the Tennessee State University million dollar club. He was the winner of the Electric Power 研究 Institute Cyber security challenge competition in 2019. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Ph.D. in 建模与仿真, bet8体育娱乐入口, (2007)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

Shetty,年代. 福伊提克,P. "Data Provenance Assurance in Cloud Using Block Chain" $91,012. 联邦. August 20, 2016 - September 30, 2018
Shetty,年代. "Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium" $287,223. 高等教育. July 24, 2016 - September 30, 2018
Shetty,年代. "DHS Center of Excellence Critical Infrastructure 弹性 Institute" $79,880. 高等教育. July 24, 2016 - June 30, 2017
Shetty,年代. "DOD 网络安全 of Excellence" $117,931. 高等教育. July 25, 2016 - April 14, 2017




His research interests lie at the intersection of computer networking, network security and machine learning. He has published over 300 research articles in conferences, journals and workshops. 他编辑了4本书. His laboratory conducts cloud and mobile security research and has received over $18 million in funding from National Science Foundation, Air Office of Scientific 研究, 空军研究实验室, 海军研究局, Department of 首页land Security, 和波音公司. He is a co-principal investigator on the DoD 网络安全 Center of Excellence, the Department of 首页land Security National Center of Excellence, the Critical Infrastructure 弹性 Institute (CIRI), 和能源部, Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium (CREDC)


Ullah,年代.谢蒂,S. 哈桑扎德,A. (2018). Towards modeling attacker's opportunity for improving cyber resilience in energy delivery systems Piscataway, NJ, USA: Paper presented at the 2018 弹性 Week (RWS), 8月20 - 23日. 2018.
Ghosh U.查特吉,P.托什,D.谢蒂,S.熊凯. 和卡姆华,C. (2017). An SDN based framework for guaranteeing security and performance in information-centric cloud networks IEEE 国际 Conference on Cloud Computing, 云.
Al-Salah T.洪,L. 谢蒂,S. (2017). Attack surface expansion using decoys to protect virtualized infrastructure 2017 IEEE 1st 国际 Conference on Edge Computing, 边2017.
废话,D. K.谢蒂,S.森古普塔,S.凯桑,J. P. 和卡姆华,C. A. (2017). Risk management using cyber-threat information sharing and cyber-insurance Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST.
废话,D. K.谢蒂,S.,梁,X.卡姆华,C. A.Kwiat, K. A. 和路易斯安那州的奈吉拉. (2017). Security implications of blockchain cloud with analysis of block withholding attack 2017 17th IEEE/ACM 国际 Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID).
废话,D. K.瓦基里尼亚州.谢蒂,S.森古普塔,S.卡姆华,C. A.L .奈吉拉. Kwiat, K. (2017). Three layer game theoretic decision framework for cyber-investment and cyber-insurance Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
赵,我.谢蒂,S. 潘,J. W.. (2017). Feature-based transfer learning for network security MILCOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE 军事 Communications Conference (MILCOM) (pp. 17-22).
Almutairi L. M.. 谢蒂,S. (2017). Generalized stochastic Petri Net model based security risk assessment of software defined networks MILCOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE 军事 Communications Conference (MILCOM) (pp. 545-550).
梁,X.赵,J.谢蒂,S. 李,D. (2017). Towards data assurance and resilience in IoT using blockchain MILCOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE 军事 Communications Conference (MILCOM) (pp. 261-266).
梁,X.谢蒂,S.张,L.卡姆华,C. Kwiat, K. (2017). Man in the cloud (mitc) defender: SGX-based user credential protection for synchronization applications in cloud computing platform Los Alamitos, CA: 2017 IEEE 10th 国际 Conference on Cloud Computing (云).
废话,D. K.谢蒂,S.,梁,X.卡姆华,C.Kwiat, K. A. 和路易斯安那州的奈吉拉. (2017). ProvChain: A blockchain-based data provenance architecture in cloud environment with enhanced privacy and availability. 2017 17th IEEE/ACM 国际 Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID).
  • 2020: CCI Fellow, Commonwealth Cyber Initiative
  • 2019: EPRI 网络安全 Challenge, EPRI
  • 2019: Top 50 Academic Paper, Blockchain Connect
  • 2018: Fulbright Specialist, Fulbright