
Ana Eggleston recently graduated from bet8体育娱乐入口 on May 4, 2024, 他们在三年内完成了. 他们的专业是海洋 & Earth Sciences with a concentration in 海洋地质 and earned their B.S. 学位. When they attended Granby High School, they took part in the school’s 国际 Baccalaureate program which ultimately helped them finish at ODU in under four years because they earned college credit through their high school coursework. As they look back over their time at ODU, they are thankful to have been a part of research as an undergraduate that made indelible impacts on them. 

“Of all the schools I applied to it was by far the most affordable, and it was actually the only one with my actual major, 地质,埃格尔斯顿说. Eggleston attributes their interest in oceanography and 地质 to their parents. Both of their parents obtained their master’s 学位s in oceanography at ODU and taught at Tidewater 社区 College (TCC). “I would go on their field trips, or I’d be stuck in the office when they were teaching,埃格尔斯顿说. “With college I’m very familiar with oceanography, but I really like rocks ‘so what if I did oceanography and rocks’, 海洋地质." With their program of interest solidified, they were ready to delve into research.

While at ODU Eggleston has had multiple research opportunities. 第一个, they took a part in the 理学院 本科 研究 Program (COSURP) where they performed research on sediments with Assistant Professor Elizabeth Wallace, Ph.D. 也, they took a field studies class where they did research on grain size with Professor John Klinck, Ph.D. who is a researcher in Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography at ODU.

据华莱士说, Eggleston has been measuring the grain size of sediment samples collected from a blue hole on Turks and Caicos Island. “The data they produced will help us figure out how intense some of these ancient hurricanes were when they passed over the island,华莱士说。. Wallace also attests to Eggleston's work ethic and can-do attitude. 华莱士说, “Ana is a really enthusiastic student and a great team player in the lab, always showing up to help with other student’s projects. It’s been a pleasure to work with Ana.”

As someone who has grown up around higher education institutions and has been on campus frequently at ODU, being a student has been special for them. “My commute is less than 15 minutes and being able to go home every day has been special,埃格尔斯顿说.

对Eggleston, ODU has been noteworthy because of the opportunities to participate in research that they’re passionate about. “ODU actually has my undergrad 学位, most schools only have Oceanography as a master's or a Ph.D.埃格尔斯顿说. “I get to do field work and stick my hands in whatever research I get to do, and that’s really nice.” Following their passion at ODU has been meaningful.

As a Monarch they had the ability to take part and work alongside experts in the field, and they don’t take that lightly. “We actually have all the sciences that you’re not necessarily going to find at other schools, 或者如果你知道, they’re not really going to be research-based. They’re going to be more paper and booked-based which doesn’t really do much when you’re actually trying to learn the science,埃格尔斯顿说.   

When they are not researching sediments and grains, Eggleston spends time ice skating and teaching others how to ice skate. “I’ve been doing that since I was three and a half and I just turned 21埃格尔斯顿说. They competed for two decades and earned two gold medals in ice dance and figures from U.S. 花样滑冰. They have coached younger students and passed rigorous tests in the field of ice skating. “Skating has been the core of my life and why I’ve done most of the traveling I’ve done over the years,埃格尔斯顿说.

同样的, Eggleston has had the opportunity to travel and take part in research both locally from Sandbridge to the Eastern Shore. They applied to graduate school in Iceland and was recently accepted at the University of Iceland where they will pursue a master’s 学位 in 地质 with a concentration in volcanology.