Immigration Glossary

**NOTE: The text below is purely for informational purposes. In all cases related to 签证状态, international students should first be sent to our 办公室 and, 如果需要, we will recommend alternative resources.**


签证 documents are maintained in the Immigration database known as SEVIS, the Student & Exchange 访问or Information System. VISA is required to update each student's enrollment each fall and spring semester. Changes in information such as funding, major, finances, etc., must also be kept current. This system is overseen by Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) within the Department of 首页land Security.


Basic requirements for F-1 and J-1 statuses (most of ODU's international students are on an F-1 visa):

  • Minimum required courseload in the fall and spring semesters (more information for each academic level in the 国际 Student Advising section)
  • Prohibition of off-campus employment without written persmission from VISA and/or Immigration
  • Maintenance of an address overseas to which the student will return once degree is completed
  • Maintain "normal progress" in current program (keeping minimum grades)*

*continuation of "normal progress" toward the completion of the current academic program; while Immigration does not require a minimum GPA, repeated class failure would mean that the student is not making normal progress and, 因此, if an extension of the visa document is requested, it would have to be denied.

如果 签证状态 is violated, then the student must either request the reinstatement of his/her visa or leave the U.S. and return on a new visa document.


Professors sometimes contact our 办公室, fearful that a student will be deported; this 非常 rarely happens and only in cases where the students have been in serious violation of Immigration laws. In cases where a student claims that getting a bad grade will result in deportation, we advise the professor that the student must get the grade s/he deserves.